Sunday, March 15, 2009

What do traders and NGO’S do for these cultures?

Traders allow primitive cultures to advance their technology with new tools and materials that can help them with their everyday life. NGO's can do many things for these cultures. They can provide food, clothing, medical aid, etc. But, these cultures might not embrace these things because they have survived so long without any aid. They could feel happier just being left alone than recieveing help from strangers.

For the Sawi, I don't think traders and NGO's did anything for them because they had obviously had no interaction with either until after Don Richardson came to them. They had never seen a person with white skin, any mechanical vehicles, or even the simplest of man-made tools. Traders and NGO's are a good thing for primitive cultures as long as they really want to help instead of trying to take things such as diamonds or other valuable resources for their own benefit.

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