Sunday, March 15, 2009

What reflections and connections can you make with this novel?

When I first started reading the Peace Child I thought Don Richardson was being foolish when he decided to take his family into a cannibalistic tribe that values treachery. He was putting himself, his wife, and his baby son in danger by bringing them there, just to help a group of people he didn't know at all. But, as I read on I could tell that he and his wife really wanted to be there and they knew the risks they were taking but they weren't important. They were determined to help the Sawi people and hopefully change their views on what value in life. There are not many people in the world that have the courage and willpower to do something like that.

Even thought I'm not religious, I can acknowledge how having faith in God can make a person so strong and determined after reading this book. It seemed almost impossible for Richardson to persuade them to change but he didn't gave up and found a way to help them find God through the example of the Peace Child and Jesus. So, at the end of the book I changed my mind that sometimes taking risks is a good thing and it was actually worth it for Don Richardson to go to the Sawi even though it did mean taking a lot of risks.

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